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Kerala State Energy Conservation Awards Register Now 39 Days 6 Hours remaining Registration Ends On October -10 The Kerala State Energy Conservation Award scheme is launched in 1998, to give recognition through awards to industries and establishments that have taken special efforts to reduce energy consumption while maintaining their production. Every year, the award programme commences with a sensitisation campaign to sensitise participants in various categories of Award on importance of energy conservation and efficiency practices which can be adopted in their facilities to reduce energy consumption and energy cost. The award winners are announced every year on December 14th, coinciding with “National Energy Conservation Day”. The awards, which include a plaque, a citation, and a cash prize, are presented at the “International Energy Festival of Kerala (IEFK)” event organized by EMC in February of the following year. Site visits to award-winning industries Financial assistance for ISO 50001 Certification Financial assistance for Energy Audit. Mandatory Audit (As per G.O (Rt) No. 2/2011 dated 01/01/2011). Financial assistance for CEA/CEM examination. Benefits for Participants THE AWARDS SlNo Category Price 1 Large Scale energy consumers Citation, Plaque, Rs. 1,00,000/- 2 Medium Scale energy consumers Citation, Plaque, Rs. 1,00,000/- 3 Small-scale energy consumers Citation, Plaque, Rs. 1,00,000/- 4 Buildings Citation, Plaque, Rs. 1,00,000/- 5 Institutions & Organizations Citation, Plaque, Rs. 1,00,000/- 6 Promoters of energy efficient products. Citation, Plaque Rs 50,000/- 7 Architectural firms and Green Building Consultancy Citation, Plaque Rs 50,000/- STATE LEVEL MONITORING COMMITTEE FOR ENERGY CONSERVATION IN KERALA [GO (Rt) No.128/2020/POWER DATED 24/11/2020] Chairman: The Secretary to Government Department of Power, Government Secretariat, Thiruvananthapuram Members: The Chairman and Managing Director, Kerala State Electricity Board Ltd The Chief Electrical Inspector to Govt. of Kerala , O/o Chief Electrical Inspector The Director, Directorate of Factories and Boilers The Chief Electrical Engineer, Public Works Department The Chief Executive Officer, Agency for New and Renewable Energy Research and Technology (ANERT) Member and Convener : Director, Energy Management Centre Kerala Quick Links Members Page Contact Us Energy Management Centre Kerala Srikrishna Nagar Sreekaryam Thiruvananthapuram- 695017, Kerala, India Tel: +91-471-2594922,2594924
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Contact us First name Last name Email* Phone Message* Submit Quick Links Members Page Contact Us Energy Management Centre Kerala Srikrishna Nagar Sreekaryam Thiruvananthapuram- 695017, Kerala, India Tel: +91-471-2594922,2594924
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KSECA 2022 KSECA 2023 KSECA 2024 Sensitisation Programme and Best Practices Case Sharing
- About Us | EMC_Award_2024
ENERGY MANAGEMENT CENTER Achieving sustainable development through enhancing total energy efficiency and application of renewable energy and enviornment friendly energy systems in all sectors of the economy. Sri Pinarayi Vijayan Hon. Chief Minister of Kerala Sri K Krishnankutty Hon. Minister for Electricity About EMC Energy Management Centre (EMC), under Department of Power, Govt. of Kerala, is the first State-level organisation exclusively for promoting energy conservation, came into existence on 7th February 1996. In exercise of the power conferred by clause (d) of section 15 of the Energy Conservation Act 2001. EMC is designated as the State Designated Agency (SDA) of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Ministry of Power, Government of India to coordinate, enforce and implement Energy Conservation Act in the state of Kerala. EMC-Kerala is recognised as the best State Designated Agency (SDA) in the country by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Govt. of India for its commendable efforts in implementing the Energy Conservation Act 2001 in the state through various innovative schemes. The Energy Management Centre is a green building and received IGBC - LEED Gold rating. Objectives The centre is devoted to the improvement of energy efficiency in all sectors of the economy in the state, through the promotion of energy conservation and encouraging the development of technologies related to energy through demonstration programmes, research, training, and awareness creation. The centre also acts as an advisory body to the Government of Kerala in the field of energy and has a well-knit network of experts, technocrats and Government/Non-Governmental organisations for implementing energy efficiency projects and providing highly competitive and efficient services to the end-user. Quick Links Members Page Contact Us Energy Management Centre Kerala Srikrishna Nagar Sreekaryam Thiruvananthapuram- 695017, Kerala, India Tel: +91-471-2594922,2594924
- Downloads | EMC_Award_2024
Downloads Guidelines-KSECA-2024 Application_Large-Medium-Small-Industries Application-for-Building-Category Application-Institutions-Organizations Application-for-Promoters-of-Energy-Efficiency-Products Application-Architectural-firms-and-Green-Building-Consultancy Application-Institutions-Organizations Application-for-Promoters-of-Energy-Efficiency-Products Application-Architectural-firms-and-Green-Building-Consultancy Guidelines-KSECA-2024 Application_Large-Medium-Small-Industries Application-for-Building-Category
- Category | EMC_Award_2024
Sl.No Category Eligibility or Categorisation 1 Large Scale energy consumers Including large scale industries except buildings –All consumers in the State with a total (electricity + fuel) annual energy consumption more than 1000 TOE* (Ton of Oil Equivalent) or 11.6 Million Units and Designated consumer notified by central Government as per EC Act 2001. 2 Medium Scale energy consumers Including medium scale industries except buildings – All consumers in the State with a total (electricity + fuel) annual energy consumption between 150 to 1000 TOE * or 1.7 Million Unit to 11.6 Million Unit. 3 Small-scale energy consumers Including small scale industries except buildings – All consumers in the State with a total (electricity + fuel) annual energy consumption up to 150 TOE* or Up to 1.7 Million Unit. 4 Buildings All Commercial Buildings including hotels, hospitals, Shopping Malls, Office Buildings, Theatres, Educational Institutions etc who have implemented energy conservation / efficiency/e-mobility programs in their facilities and Institutions/Buildings who has designed and/or developed such buildings/campus including LEED/green Building, GRIHA rated or ECBC Compliant building or with proven/certified Energy Efficiency and conservation including Green/Eco friendly considerations. 5 Institutions & Organizations Including Local Bodies, NGOs, and organizations involved in the implementation and promotion of energy conservation, energy efficiency and clean energy projects / programs e – mobility. 6 Promoters of energy efficient products. Including Manufacturers of energy efficient retrofits/controls suitably proven and certified by competent /accredited labs/institutions in the State and Retailers and traders who are selling/distributing BEE star labelled products notified by Ministry of Power, Govt. of India. 7 Architectural firms and Green Building Consultancy Including Architectural firms and Green building consultants who has designed and/or developed such buildings/campus including LEED/IGBC / GRIHA /other or ECBC Compliant building or with proven/certified Energy Efficiency and conservation including Green/Eco friendly considerations. Page 1 of 1
- Reports | EMC_Award_2024
KSECA 2023 KSECA 2024 Report on Sensitization Program Kerala State Energy Conservation Awards 2023-Booklet EC Awards_2024_guidelines Kerala State Energy Conservation Awards 2024 Best Practices KSEB Best Practises HLL Best Practises Appolo Tyres Best Practises Report- Sensitisation Program 2024 Quick Links Members Page Contact Us Energy Management Centre Kerala Srikrishna Nagar Sreekaryam Thiruvananthapuram- 695017, Kerala, India Tel: +91-471-2594922,2594924
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Kerala State Energy Conservation Awards 2024 Registration is Closed Back to Home